We need your help!
Are you a healthcare professional?
If yes, you can help us create a training course tailored to needs!
Take a few minutes to answer a few simple questions.
You can find the surveyhere.
Are you a healthcare professional?
If yes, you can help us create a training course tailored to needs!
Take a few minutes to answer a few simple questions.
You can find the surveyhere.
We invite you to the online Symposium "Speak out about weight bias-Sharing the vision to eliminate weight bias and inequalities in health.", which is going to take place on Saturday 8th October 2022 via Zoom and YouTube Live Streaming from 11.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m.
Pe 14 septembrie 2022, consorțiul Breaking Weight Bias s-a întâlnit în minunata Atena pentru a 3-a întâlnire a partenerilor transnaționali!
CIVIC is happy to invite you to its Erasmus+ projects' promotion event!
Join CIVIC at the Dome, in Edinburgh, on the 29th of August at 6 pm for a chat about Breaking Weight Bias and other Erasmus+ projects!
It's free!